- Hadley
- Hagaman
- Hailesboro
- Halesite
- Hall
- Hamburg
- Hamilton
- Hamilton Beach
- Hamlin
- Hammond
- Hammondsport
- Hampton
- Hampton Bays
- Hampton Manor
- Hancock
- Hannawa Falls
- Hannibal
- Harbor Hills
- Harbor Isle
- Harriman
- Harris Hill
- Harrison
- Harrisville
- Harrisville
- Hartford
- Hartsdale
- Hartwick
- Hastings-on-Hudson
- Hauppauge
- Haverstraw
- Haviland
- Hawthorne
- Head of the Harbor
- Hell's Kitchen
- Hemlock
- Hempstead
- Henderson
- Henrietta
- Heritage Hills
- Herkimer
- Hermon
- Herricks
- Herrings
- Heuvelton
- Hewlett
- Hewlett Bay Park
- Hewlett Harbor
- Hewlett Neck
- Hicksville
- High Falls
- Highland
- Highland Falls
- Highland Mills
- Hillburn
- Hillcrest
- Hillside
- Hillside
- Hillside Lake
- Hilton
- Hobart
- Holbrook
- Holcomb
- Holiday Mountain
- Holiday Valley
- Holimont Ski Area
- Holland
- Holland Patent
- Holley
- Hollis
- Holtsville
- Homer
- Honeoye
- Honeoye Falls
- Hoosick Falls
- Hopewell Junction
- Hornell
- Horseheads
- Horseheads North
- Hortonville
- Houghton
- Howard Beach
- Hudson
- Hudson Falls
- Huguenot
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hunter Mountain
- Huntington Bay
- Huntington Station
- Hunts Point
- Hurley
- Hyde Park